He Will Never Let Go!

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I believe that we can look at a picture that someone has taken, and the Lord can use it to speak volumes to us. Case in point a few years ago when our grandson had to have surgery.

Our grandson was only three years old at the time he had to have his first surgery and his Pop Pop and I could not be there. As grandparents it was difficult for us, but we prayed and entrusted him into the Father’s hands knowing that it was going to be alright.

His mom was so gracious to keep us updated and sent us this picture as he was being wheeled into surgery. As you can see his tiny little hand is being held by his father’s (our son’s) great big hand and all I could do was gasp and weep. What a picture that the Father used to give us peace. I was reminded as I looked at the picture that when I hold onto my Father’s hand everything is going to be alright. Even when I find myself faced with difficult situations, facing the uncertain or the unknown He has me and everything will be alright. Everything may not turn out as I planned but none the less it will be alright. Because He will never let go of my hand!

Now what do you glean from looking at this picture?