Real Joy

This entire month I will pour out my heart on paper concerning joy. Joy is not something that I give much thought to regularly. But it still deserves attention and is so important in daily living. I looked up the definition of joy and what I learned just did not satisfy my yearning to know more. Webster’s Dictionary defines joy as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune, or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. I agree that joy is an emotion. I believe that is an inside job. It comes from deep within, and it is a force that can bubble up and explode and overflow. I believe that joy is a deep well that can be allowed to gush or be capped off. It is a gift that can keep on giving when we recognize and accept its true source.

Many years ago, our family had just made another military move to a city that we had never been to before. The movers had delivered our household goods and there were boxes everywhere. One of the first things that I had done was to seek a place where I could get my hair styled and, in doing so, saw a card for a Mary Kay beauty consultant. I called Sandra, and we set up an appointment for her to come to my home the very next day. I didn’t stop to think that my home was a mess. It was right after I had gotten through with my relocation appointments for the day. I still had on my uniform and had just picked up the kids from school and day care. You can probably imagine the scene. However, we took care of the business at hand. Right before she left, Sandra asked me if I had found a church to attend and if so, where it was. I gave her the information and prayed that she would come. She, in fact, came to church, brought her husband and her son and they all gave their hearts to the Lord! Later, as part of her testimony, she said that what convinced her to seek God was the joy that I had amid all the unopened boxes and surrounded by disarray. True joy is not contingent upon circumstances!

Sometimes I laugh out loud for what seems like no reason. These times are especially when I experience my Lord so strongly that it feels as if a well inside of me has just exploded and out of it is flowing water, so pure and untapped. I giggle at first and before I know it surrendering turns it into knee slapping laughter. Yes, I am convinced that my Lord is the source of that joy and each week we will explore His joy even more. Stay tuned for more!