Be Faithful in the Small Things

I have a bible app on my phone and a couple of weeks ago for three or four days straight I kept receiving the message, “be faithful in the small things”. After the second time that it popped up, I must say that it got my attention.

To be faithful means to be constant, devoted, committed concerning something. It further means to be dependable, trustworthy and reliable. Now let me expound on these last three for just a moment. To be dependable means that when I am expected to be some place at any given time that I show up. It means that if my name is mentioned at the workplace; that at least one positive thing that can be said about me is that my colleagues know that when they look for me, I can be found doing what I have been asked to do with the spirit of excellence because I represent the Father well! Trustworthy means that I tell the truth. It means that I am honest, for the most part, with my dealings with people. It means that I tell the truth and that I am not in the habit of lying. Reliable means that I am consistently able to be trusted. The opposite being that I cannot be trusted with anything (a thief) or with secrets (a blabber mouth/busy body) or someone’s heart (sabotage relationships due to refusal to deal with own hurt i.e., rejection).

When my husband and I pastored a certain congregation while living and working in Germany we often prayed for our congregation, “Lord, don’t let us get away with anything that displeases you”. Those precious saints had a desire to be all that God intended. We still pray that same prayer for ourselves, so it did not shock me when I heard the Lord clearly ask me a question as I was writing a message to someone the other day. He asked me, “Is that really the truth”? I had to delete it and start again.

A lot of people want so much more than they already have but have not been faithful in or with the small things. They want more titles and have not yet learned to submit to authority instituted by God. They want more money and have not yet learned to be a faithful steward with what they have been already given. Some want better wives and have not learned how to be a better husband and vice versa. Some want obedient children and have not even begun to be obedient to the Father. Some want to serve in the limelight and have not served, in humility, behind closed doors!

Lord have mercy…help this ole gal to be faithful in the small things!