A Tale of 3 Sisters

Once upon a time, there were three very different women. Now these women were sisters, and their names were Hannah, Ruth, and Phoebe. There came a time when they were old enough to leave their father’s and mother’s home and live on their own. At first, they thought about moving in together, but their personalities were so different. So, each set out to live alone.

The first to move was Phoebe. Now Phoebe, whose name meant radiant, loved beauty and aesthetics. She had the gift of decorating and could hardly wait to have her new house built. She decided a house built of straw would be all the rage! She was there when the builders put the bundles of tightly woven straw on the hard ground to complete the foundation. Oh, how its golden hew mesmerized her as it glistened in the sunlight while the walls were being erected. The builders re-reinforced the straw with installation, believing that it would withstand any storm. She just knew her house would last forever.

The next to move out was Ruth. Ruth’s name meant compassionate friend. She had spent years saving and could hardly wait for her house to be built. Ruth’s dream was to build a house large enough to accommodate all her friends. She would host lavish parties that people would talk about for years to come. Ruth decided that a wooden house made entirely of cedar would be the winning ticket. Ruth found a contractor who could start immediately and within a few weeks, the contractor laid thick cedar planks as the foundation of her house. Oh, how beautiful those cedar planks were, and the aroma was magnificent! This was a house that was built so sturdily that it would last forever!

The last to move out was Hannah, whose name meant favor or grace. Hannah observed the building of both her sisters’ houses and decided that she would go in another direction. She took her time and contacted a contractor who had a lot of experience. This contractor helped her choose the location and suggested that she construct an all-brick house. He told her that all brick houses were not as popular as they once had been, but were sturdy and weather resistant. He also advised her that brick houses were costly but would prove worth their weight in gold! Within a few months, after they secured and cleared the land, they laid the foundation. The construction team used tried and tested concrete to make the foundation of Hannah’s house. This would ensure durability. Hannah felt elated about the construction of her house.

Meanwhile, in the spirit realm, Satan and his imps were having a discussion concerning Phoebe, Ruth, and Hannah. With a chuckle, Mayhem, the first demon, approached Satan and argued about why he should be the one to deal with Phoebe. He argued that choosing him would cause the entire house to go up in flames in no time at all with just a small spark. Immediately, he was given permission to do his bidding. He summoned lightning to strike her house and, as predicted, Phoebe’s house became engulfed in flames before the fire department could even arrive! From the foundation to the roof, it burned to the ground within a matter of minutes. Devastation overcame Phoebe. She lost everything. All her material blessings were gone. Poof up in smoke. The straw was no match for that lightning strike. “Oh, she exclaimed, if I had only counted the cost and chose better building materials over beauty.” She moved in with her sister, Ruth.

In the spirit realm, Satan and his imps convened yet again. This time, a second demon, Havoc, presented himself and offered to deal with Ruth’s dwelling place. He said that he would cause a major flood in her region. He said that cedar could not withstand flood waters. Havoc’s plan would cause wind driven rain to beat upon her house. It would cause the roof to be blown off and the intrusion of water would rip apart every plank of cedar down to the foundation! Oh wait, the foundation was cedar too! And that is exactly what happened. Ruth lost everything. Those beautiful custom cabinets, gone. Her corner fireplace, gone. The cedar was no match for the storm, and Ruth had to move in with Phoebe and Hannah.

It wasn’t too long after the sisters began living a tolerable life under one roof that Satan and his imps convened again. This time, Catastrophe presented himself and offered to take care of not just Hannah’s house but the lives of her and her sisters. He said that he would cause a super cell tornado to hit her region suddenly. He would leave them with no time to escape, reducing the little brick dwelling into a pile of bricks in no time at all. “I will bury them under the rubble and dance on their graves.” Satan released Catastrophe to do his bidding. But as he caused the wind to pick up, and the hail fell onto the house…he heard the oddest sound coming from one room. He saw Pheobe, Ruth, and Hannah on the floor, crying out to the Lord. “Everything is yours, God; we won’t fight a battle you’ve already won. Come, holy angels and do battle in the second heaven. Cause the wind to cease, and the hail and rain to stop in its tracks. Lord, we have already dedicated this home to you as a meeting place for the people of God. We entrust every square foot of it, every acre, into your capable hands. We thank you for the blessing, Father.”

“How dare they try to wreck my plan, said Catastrophe. I don’t care how much they pray. We will blow this house to smithereens!” So, he signaled for re-enforcement. The clashing of swords became more intense during the battle. The holy host fought fiercely with the demons of the enemy! A sound like that of a hundred tornadoes came from their wings. And then silence fell so suddenly that it changed the entire atmosphere!

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways….

And bless them, God did. All the inclement weather stopped, and it did not cause any damage to the home. Blessed are the ones who place their trust in Him!

Not the END!

Phoebe had lost her house, but in the process learned that outward beauty just was not enough. It would take more than outward beauty to turn a house into a home.

Ruth had also lost her house, but in her loss, she learned that fending off the effects of a seemingly unbeatable storm would require more than the appearance of strong materials. The materials needed to undergo testing and trials. It would take more than appearances to turn her house into a home.

Thank God for favor and grace. Hannah had both on her side in the building of her house. And by the time Phoebe and Ruth moved in, they, too, shared in the blessing. Using materials that had already been tested and tried resulted in a benefit. It was worth the extra cost. And more importantly, her house had become a home. It was not just a building with walls, but a place where family and friends gathered and created memories. It was God’s meeting place, dedicated to Him. It was their trust in Him that protected Hannah’s home. Blessed are those who trust in Him!

Another day will surely come whereby Phoebe and Ruth with once again build homes. Through grace and favor, they have become survivors who have learned valuable lessons, and in the future, they will build homes that will last.