Leaves and Sweatin’ Windows

My favorite holiday of the year is Thanksgiving. I guess it is because the holiday, for me, has always been focused upon family and food. Now, I love a good meal, and nothing brings a family together like good food and hopefully with no drama!

I have always looked forward to the warmth of home on a crisp autumn day. The leaves on the trees would have changed colors and most of them, by then, would have fallen to the ground just inviting me to drop roll and wiggle. As I would stand gazing out of the window of wherever I was, I would remember the windows in my parent’s home. The glass on the windows would be sweating. The moist air of the inside colliding with the cool temp outside served as a reminder of the meal to come. Back then my mom made yeast rolls from scratch, no Mrs. Schubert for us. They were so fluffy with all that butter smeared on top…my mouth is watering just thinking about them! Then there was the turkey and dressing accompanied by gravy all so perfectly seasoned; when ingested made you want to do your very own happy dance. The candied yams were a delight. The potato salad unmatched by any I have ever tasted, and the collard greens seasoned with the smoked ham hocks were a masterpiece of culinary perfection. The cranberry sauce was the one thing that I always anticipated. There was just something about cranberry sauce that completed the meal. I cannot remember a time when it was not present. Ahhh, and then there was dessert! The pound cake was so moist and rich. The sweet potato pie had crust so buttery it would make your eyes roll back in your head and the rice pudding was so good that a little dab of it just wouldn’t do at all.

In a few days I will be gathering with some of my own family and the meal will pretty much be the same as it was when I was a child except, I will add spiral ham baked in brown sugar, butter and coca cola and homemade mac and cheese! When I pull up to the table, I intend to take it slow, just a little of everything so that this year I will not end up overeating to the point of misery! Happy Thanksgiving y’all! We are truly blessed beyond measure!