Thinking Outside the Box

Do you think that it is possible to do something that you have been doing the same way for years and suddenly find yourself still doing that thing but doing it differently? Consider bread. You can have a loaf of bread, rolls, buns, and biscuits. It may be presented in different forms, but they are all considered bread!

For the past year I have heard many expressing how they have struggled to make changes in the way that they have had to do things concerning their mission in life and others have just made the necessary adjustments and kept moving forward. I must say that I have looked at my own life and asked certain questions while also observing the lives of others. I have decided that I can only answer for me. What I have discovered about my own life is this: I believe that I have had an easier time adjusting because there were so many times that I had to make changes concerning my life before the pandemic hit. For the past forty years, I have moved from place to place and resolved that flexibility had to become a way of life for me. Now I will not have you believe that it has always been a cake walk…it has not but it has not been as difficult as it could have been because of my lifestyle. For example, in 2012 my husband and I changed domiciles five times and I am still wondering how we did it! All I can say is that God’s grace truly was sufficient for us and we just did what we had to do.

This month on the 21st of May the ministry that God placed inside of me will celebrate twenty years of fruitfulness and I am astonished at what He is still communicating to me during our one-on-one business meetings. Do I hear His audible voice? No! But whether I am quietly sitting or brainstorming with a friend or reading His word; He still manages to get through to me, His ideas and I am humbled. Sometimes I laugh, “Really Lord? You want us to do what?” Sometimes I cry and admit that I do not know how to carry out what He has asked of me and at the same time I am looking for His leading. I am trusting that if He asked me to do a thing, He is also going to give wisdom and the resources. My prayer is that I never ever get stuck in a box labeled religion and that I would always have the courage to “Think Outside the Box!